
This world I created for myself...



6 Years

02-25-2015, 01:00 AM
Surely this place must be enchanted. It was too beautiful to be real, or so the young she-wolf believed as she cast her emerald gaze around her. Her gait had been at a steady, powerful trot, the scenery passing her by in a blur, her mind racing without order, without a destination. The summer sun beat down on her jet black coat, causing her to pant heavily, growing weary from the heat. However, as she splashed through a shallow, clear stream, she couldn't help but notice the cool air brush over her whiskers. So deep in a summer haze, wrapped up in her thoughts, she'd not perceived the change in scenery. As she slowed to a saunter and lifted her head, she observed how the shadows were speckled with sunlight glimmering on the stream's surface. Rich hues of green were all around her, and the willows' tassels danced lazily in the fresh breeze. There was not a sound but the rustling of lush leaves, slow trickling water and soft birdsong.

Esarosa paused, wading just past her ankles in a shallow streambed, no longer feeling inclined to keep traveling. The refreshing water lulled her into a state of rest, the fog lifted from her mind and her thoughts quieted. Suddenly she could feel the ache in all of her muscles that begged her to stay a while. She dipped her muzzle just below the water's surface, quenching her hot, dry throat before flopping down onto her side. She stretched out each leg, soaking herself thoroughly, sighing in comfort as her tail splashed back and forth, the water's surface gently gliding by her shoulders. She hadn't come by peace so easily since leaving home.

If only I could share this moment with Ajax. A slight huff escaped her lips and she looked to the canopy, squinting as sunlight streamed through. Then she shook her head, dunking her face into the refreshing stream, disbanding the fruitless thought. Anyone would do right about now, I think. How long has it been...? She had lost track of the sunrises she'd spent alone, and as much as she didn't want to think about it now, nor regret leaving home on a stubborn whim, the thoughts crept back in, even as she breathed in the fresh scents surrounding her. She tried to let her senses flood her with serenity, yet still she felt the gnawing ache of loneliness claw at her belly. Surely I cannot be alone in this enchanted place...