
To the stars!



6 Years
02-25-2015, 01:55 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2015, 01:58 PM by Voltage.)
They were awesome, it was decided. Any problem that the two brothers face, they could solve. They were just that fabulous, and great at their jobs! They had been faced with two problems when they came to the beach, both involved the fact that the beach wasn't the volcano they had previously been on. One was the heat (which Voltage wasn't quite sure how to solves, exactly) and one was the fact that they were quite low...sea level infact. But Glacier and Voltage graciously spent their night searching for a solution to at least half of the problem, and with Voltage's quick wit and intelligence, they managed to find it! With Glaciers brute strength, of course. It still wasn't as high as the Volcano, by any means, but at least it was a secluded area that allowed for some undisturbed sky viewing. And now it was time to unveil their new found delight, especially now that the sun was out and the tunnel was probably a little easier to see. He had spent a good portion of the night securing both entrances, and making sure the tunnel was wide and secure enough (by risking his own life, of course) before he ever deemed it ready. But it was. So he grinned, sitting atop his perch rock, gazing up at the clear blue sky. It was beginning to dim, and the moon was slowly showing its face in the sky, but the sun still held itself up on the horizon. It was perfect for the triplets to see exactly what the viewing space could do. So he lifted his muzzle to the gorgeous heavens and called for them, the triplets and any family member who would like to be a little closer to the sky (gale comes to mind, the winds have got to be stronger there than the rest of their little beach)

"Burn Baby Burn"

OOC: Glace first.