
Taste of adventures past



5 Years
02-25-2015, 02:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was used to him now, comfortable enough not to flinch or shy away as he stepped forward to place the flowers that he carried at her paws. Her observant yellow-gold eyes merely followed his movements, lingering just a little on the plants as she dipped her nose to sniff at their sandy, marine scent, before they lifted again to peer across into Glacier's smiling face. There was no stopping her own smile from answering his, and it only made her more curious to know what he was up to.

Sea Holly. They were from his new home on the beach! So the family had made their move after all! Her smile brightened at the realization that now her friend was so very close to her, little more than a quick journey north along the coast, and that there was a stronger possibility they would be getting to spend more time with each other because of it. That he had thought to bring something for her from this new home of his was touching, especially since he seemed to hold her partially accountable for them finding it in the first place. She felt shy all over again, averting her gaze just for a few seconds as she accepted his gift with a quiet and humbling, "Thanks." It was easy to forget the significance of their fun adventures when they were on them; she had been enjoying his company too much to remember it most of the time.

He inched back, and as he did she reached forward to draw the sea holly closer, inclining her head toward them again to try another sniff and delighting in how different they smelled compared to the flora that grew here naturally along the Fjord. Though they were for her, she was still curious what her little sister would have made of them, and thought of maybe sacrificing one to the healer's curiosities and her own. The rest, however, she was going to need to find a special place for. And make sure Lebrah knew to be careful with them.

Glacier's offer of another escorted trip beyond the Fjord did not surprise her. It was almost expected in a way. They always did something new and fun when he dropped by, and she had actually grown to anticipate his visits very much. The grey-gold girl lifted her head from the flowery bundle at her paws to glance upward into the mountainous blue wolf's face, once again at ease and wholly curious. "What is it?" she asked, though realized almost as soon as she did that likely she was not going to find out until they got there. "I can go," she added quickly, her tail once again starting up another faint wag.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.