
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song



06-06-2013, 12:00 AM

She was much more aware of things going on around her Every rustle of the wind in the trees. The birds songs were clearer, and she could have sworn she could see more clearly. It was like she put her hunting goggles on. She could feel the adrenaline start to pump through her veins. Excitement welled up in her. She tried not to think about it, lest she lose her concentration, but this would be the first of a hopeful many hunts together. She was incredibly eager to see how it would turn out, if they could come together in and pull this off... There was no she wolf in the world who would be able to tear Cherokee from her paws.
It was still so early to tell, but Song just adored the thought of there being something more blossoming between them than just a simple friendship. After he had kissed her? It left her no doubt that he was thinking the same thing, not that either of them should have been thinking aout it at that moment. It was time to go on their first hunt together. A excited smile spread across her maw as she practically hopped to attention. Her audits focused on his words for her, would they go for a doe or maybe a slightly easier fishing trip?
"I think that I would rather stay away from the water, considering my current track record." She gave a slight giggle as she recollected the previous days events. Mentally she shook her head to refocus again. Breakfast time was approaching. "I will follow your lead." She nodded for him to take the first bound forward, off to search for their next meal.
