
Looking For Stars and got the Storm



6 Years
02-25-2015, 02:56 PM
Voltage's expression didn't falter, and infact it even got more angry. His eyes would narrow as he listened to this stranger's no-nonsense response, and it pulled another deep growl from the boy of lightning. "Can you not smell us along this entire beach? This is our home, boy, and you are sticking your head in it!" He said deeply, the desire to protect his family and his siblings from any threat. It would have been different if the stranger had apologized, or even better, called when he entered their home! That's it, they would have to make it official soon. The moment they settled they were going to make this an official territory, and he would have to howl for entrance. He growled deeply, his fur raising along his shoulders and his face twisting into anger and malice. But then he said a name..his sisters name. More specifically, his beloved star sisters name, and he blinked, his lips uncurling. "What's your name, and how did you meet her?" He said with a deep growl as he looked this man up and down. He certainly wasn't someone that Voltage could take alone, he was going to have to call upon Glacier to help him kick this...thing from his home. Oh, Voltage was just a little too over protective, that was for sure. But this man seemed to have some connections with his family, and it had Voltage calming down just a little. But that didn't mean he still wasn't a threat! Oh, he was going to have to talk to his siblings about letting him know when they invited strangers, so he knew they weren't threats or not.

"Burn Baby Burn"