
Lavendel Norden



2 Years
02-25-2015, 04:42 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Croatoan
Age: 17

Character's Name: Lavendel Norden
Character Age: 2 Years
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 36 inches
Appearance Description: At 36 inches tall, Lavendel is no dainty thing. Power ripples through her body, which is not the weak frame of most females. Even he voice suggests this, the strong voice of a warrior. The female's jaws alone are powerful, meant for killing or breaking bones. Sharp, long incisors make an appearance whenever she speaks or snarls. Her tail is raised most of the time, in dominance. If Lavendel's fur was parted, tiny scars would be found littering her strong body. Such a strong female isn't one you would want to mess with.
Lavendel's base fur color is a cloak of white, covering her with the exception of a few markings. These markings are not any normal markings, though. Violet in color, they stand out against her pale fur. Her front paws are coated in the color, but her back paws are coated in the color a little past her hocks, almost reaching her flanks. Violet coats her throat and stomach, never going any further than that. Two small dots are over her eyes, though a small distance away. A small stripe of violet goes from her eyes, making a sharp turn and getting wider as it heads down towards her bottom jaw. The tips of her ears are coated in violet, one side making a jagged stripe and looking like it covers more of the ear, which it does. From the inside of her ears, it looks like it covers more than it does.

Lavendel's eyes are not easy to decide on. Flecks of bright acid green, mint green, dark green, and even a blue green rest in her eyes. Close up, her eyes resemble something of a lake or pond. Far away, her eyes appear to be acid green, a splash of color besides her violet markings.

Proof of Purchases:
[Image: OLHgEa4.png]

--Lavendel can be unpredictable, because she is not really insane, but not sane either. Depending on her mood, she can act insane or sane.--