
A hot summer night fell like a net


02-25-2015, 08:22 PM

The delicate creature pressed forward, her eyes focused on the idea of freedom and confidence though she knew she still held the insecurity to run from the strange and unknown that intrigued most wolves. She heard a voice off in the distance calling out a name. Serafina! The voice sounded strained and out of breath so the woman slowly crept through the thicket. Her fur coloration allowed her to blend into the ground like she was a part of it as her hazel eyes focused on who was calling. Serefina, if you are out here, I will seriously barbecue your butt for going too far from home.. The words sent her to the edge her eyes widened. She didn't know who this Serafina character was but she certainly did not want to be her. In fact, given the language the man used, she did not want to be around him either.

Something in her made her speak rather than run away like she had always done. She wasn't sure what it was but her high pitched alto voice broke the sound barrier like any other voice would. "You know, barbecuing other wolves booties isn't very nice." The words were almost sarcastic and Hecate herself was taken aback by them. She looked to her feet as she looked at the black and yellow creature. He wasn't a bumblebee, more like lightning.