
I've got dreams of you all through my head


02-25-2015, 08:38 PM
Her eyes remained closed as she carefully thought out every movement that she made from her breathing to the beating of her heart. Dance alone to the beat of your heart. Words from the unknown depths of her brain started to speak to her in the form of old memories. "Hecate, you can do this. You've gone through so much and this is nothing in comparison." Comforting words from the one man she had loved reached through the air as her mind started to burn to match the pain of the rest of her body. She shouldn't be like this, she was too young. Only a year old which meant that it shouldn't be possible. Slowly tears leaked out of her eyes as a child was brought into the world. She panted, trying to find air as she looked at him. He who stared at his daughter with an affection she had never seen in anyone before. He was hers and she was his. Then, with a fight to the death and a grieving mother, the paradise ended and she took a vow. Never again. The memories flashed up, reminding her of what had happened which caused her eyes to flash open. Without another word, Hecate rushed off, tears streaming from her eyes as she ran towards her safe haven. "Shekh Ma Shieraki Anni, Athari."