
Times a changing, I'm a losing



7 Years
02-26-2015, 06:23 AM
With the other male's permission Kassander moved closer and set to work on the wounds. He alternated studying the partly healed wounds and cleaning them, spitting out the dirt and old herbs as he slowly revealed the extent of the damage. The thin man spoke of being desperate for a home, and Kassander paused to nod seriously to him. "You chose wisely then. Ebony is intended as a sanctuary for those in need. You will be welcome here until you are healthy again, and then you can choose whether you wish to stay or move on as you wish. All we ask is that you help as you are able to when you're well enough to." Quietly he studied the now-bared wounds.

"Would you follow me to one of my herb caches please?" he requested gently, understanding the amount of pain that could be caused by movement when wounded so extensively but also knowing it was necessary. "It's ok if they open up and bleed again - it will help clean it out." He just needed to make sure to replace the blood lost quickly - the male was thin enough that Kassander didn't think he had much to spare. Setting out deeper into the territory he hoped the male was following, and he set a slow pace to allow him to keep near as he sought one of his caches. The one he was leading him to was large, more of a spare den than one of his smaller caches that were only big enough for herbs. This one was meant to house an injured wolf who couldn't, or shouldn't, be moved so it had room enough for him to work around the other wolf. "What's your name?" he asked, keeping his voice soothing as he pulled out the herbs he needed from within the den.