
spirit of life



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-26-2015, 02:57 PM

Her dark form did not often reach the lands of the range, her den was in the knolls and she found plenty of prey there. Little drew her here, but the want for shade was a bit too much. The day was gorgeous, if not a bit warm. Though as she ducked under the canopy the temperature would drop considerably. The relief was nice, though as she walked she couldn't help but notice the familiar scent of someone she'd almost forgotten about. Nagendra had probably saved her life, she didn't know what would have happened to her had he not been there to look after her clumsy self. He hadn't joined Abaven, though he'd come back and seen it. Not that she had really expected him to. Smelling his scent here, in the pack lands, had her slightly confused.

Had he come and joined Imperium after their encounter? It was possible, but it was also more probable that he just hadn't smelled the new scent markers. The range had not been part of imperium for very long and this was entirely possible. Curious Rhythm would follow the scent to where he'd finally settled. He was lounging, the green eyed man looked quite comfortable as the breeze played at his fur. His scent would reach her nose, his cologne making her heart flutter. Autumn really couldn't come fast enough. She was sick of swooning at every he wolf that crossed her path.

Pulling her tail closer to her rump she'd hope to mask her own scent just a little as her features curled into a smile. She'd approach from his left, her head tilted curiously as she stopped a few feet away from him. "Surely the great adventurer, Nagendra Bahri would not have joined a pack?" There was an amused humor in her words as she took a seat beside him, clearly delighted to see him again.


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