
Taste of adventures past



5 Years
02-26-2015, 04:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Apparently her guess was right. Glacier said nothing regarding the place he had in mind to bring her and instead remained secretive about it, his smile widening and his teasing answer confirming just what she had been thinking. She chuckled a little to herself, but felt no unease or anxiety over being left in the dark. She had learned already that this giant of a wolf could be trusted, had already gone adventuring with him before, and knew that he would not take her anywhere where she would not be safe. He was a protector, a guardian, and a great friend to her. If he thought the place to be safe for her, then it would be.

With that, he gestured for them to go, inviting her to follow, and Anais was incredibly eager to see what and where it was that Glacier planned for them to go. She answered hastily, "Yeah," and just about stepped away as a sign she was ready to move, when her eyes strayed down to the plants at her feet again. "Oh, wait!" She could hardly leave them here out in the open and unprotected. They could very well get picked over by someone else or scattered by someone who knew nothing of their significance. But heading all the way back to the den would delay their trip, and there was also the chance Lebrah might find them there before she could explain.

Her gaze wandered about, narrowed and searching, before she smiled again. Reaching down, the grey-gold wolf lifted the flowers carefully between her teeth, careful not to drop any of them, and trotted quickly over to the base of a nearby tree. It might have been clear and without anything to hide them beneath, but she hoped simply having them tucked away, attempting to blend into the scenery, might save them while she was away and until she could return. Anais placed the sea holly gently, nudging them close to the tree, before she backed up a few steps to see it at a distance. The color of the flowers might have stood out, but overall she thought it would do for now. After all, she would be back soon enough.

Satisfied with her decision and place of hiding the flowers, she returned to her friend beside the lake with a bright grin again, her steps almost bouncing with the excitement she felt. "Okay, I'm ready now."
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.