
My Lipgloss is Poppin'



4 Years
02-27-2015, 01:37 AM

who do you think you are
The top is so high so your roots are forgotten, Giving is good as long as you're getting, What's driving you is ambition and betting, You're swelling out in the wrong direction You've got the bug, superstar you've been bitten, Your trumpet's blowing for far too long Climbing the snake up the ladder, but you're wrong.

It was pretty enough here, she supposed. I mean, it was nothing compared to her, but she was standing here. That definitely made this place a million times better. Plus it has shade so, that was kinda nice too. Her precious rust and white pelt did not look good when it was all stuck to her form when wet, so shade was pretty much the only way that the dame would allow herself to cool down. Because really, who wanted to look like a drowned rat? Nasty. Looking over her shoulder, her silver eyes narrowed. Oh great, she had lost sight of her brother. Again. She was so distracted by herself being in heat and showing off her goods, that she hadn't really kept her eyes on him like she normally did. "Claude ! Dépêchez- vous? La chaleur est trop pour ma forme fragile," she hissed at him, white tipped tail twirling behind her as she turned around. Stalking passed a few of the hanging willows, she grinned as they hung low to the ground to form a sort of curtain. As a shadow lingered on the other side, she nudged the tendrils away to let just her upper half show. Stretching out her tiger striped legs she winked, humming softly as she batted her long lashes. "Oh ma chérie , ce lieu est si romantique . Pourquoi avez-vous jamais me apporter ici?" her sweet voice called out in a teasing matter, ears pulling back slightly as she tried to act like a bitch in heat. Well, she was a bitch in heat. While she may adore her brother and keep all other woman away from him, she hadn't really thought of him that way. Much. She giggled darkly, still shifting herself through the willow tendrils. "Claude, don't keep me waiting mon amour."


Rozenn Simone Maxime

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.