
running back to you



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-27-2015, 07:32 PM

Okay, so maybe Caia had a good point. Once she'd picked up their friend, it really hit the titan how sorry she looked. All soggy and weak, it made his gut turn. He frowned and tried to hold back a shudder, unless he start thinking about the very real danger of Ria having drowned. He would have never known... And leaving her in the first place was probably the hardest thing he and Caia had ever done, second maybe to watching their family be... well.

He drew in a deep breath, hoping it might flush out the memories. "If you insist!" he sighed out, trying to make a joke of it despite the fact that his voice was weaker than he expected. He paced a length ahead of Caia, trying to push his way through the easiest path once they left the beach's soft sand. Any branches which blocked their way would be snapped or tucked somewhere out of the way. Between this task, he rambled on and on about how they'd been separated and the storm that had nearly killed him. He told her all about the weird, boring wolves that roamed the lands and the few bright exceptions to that rule. He told her about the different regions and climates and all manner of strangeness he could recall.

Of course, with the way his attention suffered in the face of excitement, he wasn't sure if he was saying anything worth listening to. Honestly, he was just happy that they were together again. Like, a beyond words kind of euphoria that wouldn't be able to express itself on this mortal plane. The first thing he was going to do tomorrow morning was offer something to the elder sycamore he'd found the day he and Caia had found each other, the one they'd both felt a connection to. He had half a mind to proclaim it his guardian in this land if he wasn't a little doubtful that they would settle here permanently.

Finally, they crested a low rise which overlooked a rocky outcropping, mostly limestone and blanketed in plush moss and leaf litter. Small trees existed on top of the ledge, those which could eek out a living in the poor soil there. Below of course was an overhang which made for nice cover. Better yet was the well hidden split in the stone which would lead them to a cave large enough for them and even a few others if the need arose. "Caia found this place they day after we found each other, and we've been staying here since. It's nice and dry, so you should be able to rest here comfortably." He squeezed through the crack in the stone, just large enough for his girth with a big of wiggling, and padded over to the far wall.

The den floor was sandy, product of an old river bed. He wasn't stupid though, he'd made sure to trace the flood way back up. For the most part, the watershed here was dammed up and re-routed, so as long as the coming storm wasn't torrential they would probably be fine. Outside, thunder rumbled in the distance.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!