
Mother Dearest [Destruction]


06-06-2013, 02:32 AM
Dillinger was not a patient creature. He grew bored and irritable far too quickly. His temperament was harsh and often brash, he adored his mom, but that was the only wolf he did not dismiss. He knew he wasn't supposed to leave the den, but she had been gone so often and he had been left to his own devices with little more than the wall to stare at. They had been in Seracia for near a month and he hadn't met anyone he enjoyed yet... not that he had any desire too, he preferred it this way, just him and his mom.

He tracked her, as she had taught him too. he couldn't be a successful predator if he couldn't track. That single phrase had been all the motivator he had needed to start practicing, Dillinger wanted to be better than any warrior ever encountered, he wanted to be the best, wanted his mom to look at him with the utmost pride gleaming in the depths of her gaze. he would settle for nothing less, so long as his mother was happy, so was he. The bark he released when he drew close was to alert her that he was coming, to inform her that he was there. She would be upset, but she would never hurt him... severely. he didn't mind her punishments, they made him stronger, better, closer to achieving his goals. He planted his hind quarters, awaiting her imminent arrival, onyx orbs set in a hard line as he waited for the familiar visage to appear, it didn't take long.

"I'm bored mom. There's nothing to do cramped up in that tiny space, I can't get any stronger if all I do is sit." There was no anger in his tones, not towards her, he knew better, but there was clear dissatisfaction. He made no effort to move, if she wished to punish him, he would take it, his mom had taught him to be strong.