

Mercy I


5 Years

02-28-2015, 01:04 PM

The woman's words were true, but wasn't it the danger part that made it oh so exciting? The added thought of sinking her fangs into flesh made a tingle rush down her spine. It had been a good while since she had a good fight, a good bloodshed. Well, since her little run in with Kyarst anyways. She chuckled softly as she eyed the horned beasts down, her toes spreading and stretching as she tried to calm the urge to hunt them down. "Its the danger that makes it so much more than just tempting. The thrill of the hunt mixed with the blood pounding adrenaline," she said with a purr, tail quivering behind her. To say that she was all in it for the rush was an understatement, Mercy was addicted to it. She would sometimes purposefully but herself in harms way just to get that thrill, that next high. It drove her brother mad, and he kept telling her that she was going to get herself killed one day. Glancing over at Lysis, she offered a toothy grin. "Wouldn't you say?" she asked, seeing if the smaller woman was into what she was.

When she stated her name, the pale woman told her that it was a lucky guess. She snorted, it was hardly lucky. She had been in this pack for almost a year now, she knew a new face when she saw it. Plus the scent of Kyarst was all over her fur, which made a shock of jealously stream through her. Mercy almost felt possessive over him, but it was a strange feeling indeed. Possessive was probably too strong of a word, maybe it was just envy after all. The thought of what they had done made her pupils contract with the built up lust within her tall frame, longing to be satisfied. He had left her high and dry last time, and she intended to fix that. But her -- she got to be with him all the time. While she had Revenge, there was something different going on between her and her brother, something she couldn't quite put her paw on. She was snapped out of her inner thoughts when she confirmed her notion, making Mercy slowly nod her head. "Your brother told me of you, although your markings under your eye remind me of my own family tree." she mused, purple gaze on those simple brown markings. They were not as drawn out as Mercy's were, just simply a swipe under each hazel eye. She had seen that marking many times in her family line, but of course they were not the only ones to have something like that. Just a thought.

Mercy looked back down at the buffalo, watching as they moved several paces off. Moving and eating. That's all they really seemed to do, when they weren't stampeding. Lysis confirmed her thoughts of her living in the North, but her still thick coat had mostly given that away. "I've never been up North before, pretty much been in the South my whole life time," she said softly, a soft sigh leaving her lips. She had gone into the West once, right after she had ran away from home. But that is where Dione had found her, and brought her back to a pack that was so close to her home. Her home that had been taking by her pack. Really, the whole situation made her head spun. When she glanced back over at the smaller woman, it would seem that she had her mind on her old home. Did she miss it? Mercy wished that Imperium had settled somewhere not so close to her old home, but she didn't miss it. There were good memories there, which made her heart twist. She hated that, that she had actually had a bit of a good life with them. Hated that she actually missed her parents. Thankfully Lysis spoke again, saying that her home was with her brother. At that she smiled softly, nodding knowingly. She wouldn't be able to go anywhere without Revenge at her side, not since she made the mistake of leaving him once.

When the dame spoke her own name, she blinked as her eyes widened slightly in shock. Wariness quickly replaced it, eying Lysis carefully. "I am..." she said slowly, blinking a few times. How did she know that? Did Kyarst actually talk about her to his sister? The thought of that made her oddly satisfied, that she wasn't the only one with him stuck on her mind. But she snapped out of it when she was given another question to ponder, not missing the look in the woman's eyes. So she wanted to know more about her, eh? But why? It wasn't like she was very high on the totem pole of the pack, although Valentine did like to call her his bulldog. She couldn't understand why on earth this stranger wanted to know her, so it took a bit longer for her to answer. "I did grow up around here, but Imperium is much more my home than any other place is. I would do anything for my pack, they are the only family I need," Mercy's words were more truthful than she had intended them to be, but she couldn't take them back now. After all, Lysis was part of the pack, was she not? The thought made her grin, a small giggle leaving her maw. "I have always wanted a sister." She teased, winking playfully at the older woman.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.