
One Leaf, Two Leaf, Three Leaf GROW!



7 Years
02-28-2015, 03:03 PM

Amalia didn't miss the awe in Ara's gaze, and she looked fondly at her pile of herbs. Were there some here that she didn't know? Some of these herbs she had gathered in the North before taking down here, so perhaps she had never seen them before. But quickly her thoughts took a turn as Ara named off her siblings, sparking some sort of familiarity. It felt like that had been so long ago, truly a life time away. Even though she was just three years old this season, so much had happened in that short amount of time. "The names do all sound familiar, but I'm just having such a hard time placing it all. I really am sorry," she said, almost bashful as she looked down. Being the daughter of the alpha's, she really should have paid better attention! But there was no point in going back and trying to fix it, it was ages ago. She looked back up when a note of sadness touched her vocals, her smile vanishing as concern took over. Amalia bit her tongue though, trying to keep herself from asking. She was a very sensitive wolf, and always wanted to fix the problem. But it was not her place. She was thankful when Ara when on, saying that they left because of Song. She had heard tales of the woman, but not too much had reached her russet ears. Ama simply nodded her head, closing that part of the conversation and storing it away for later. Now was hardly the time to talk about the passed, they had just met after all!

Finally just the conversation of herbs remained, something that both of them jumped into without hesitation. She said that she didn't have much formal training, something that she could really connect with. "Me neither, just kind of picked it up as I went along. I guess that can be kind of dangerous though!" she said with a small laugh. Experimenting with herbs could be quite dangerous, although she learned pretty early on what plants and flowers not to use. How to tell if they were poisonous, all of that kind of stuff. Her smile grew even wider as she spoke about being lost without the art of healing. "It really gives you a push, doesn't it? A drive to learn more and more, to be able to know all about them," Amalia's voice was quiet as she spoke with wonderment in her voice. There was still so much that she had to learn, and it was thoughts like that that pushed her forward, making her keep climbing up that hill. When she spoke of fighting, Amalia's ears quickly picked up at the change in her voice. Looking down at her herbs, she placed a few honeycombs onto a leaf, noising them over towards the woman. She was unsure if Ara knew what they were for, but hesitated in telling her. She didn't want to seem rude, her ears pulling back slightly. "That might help sooth your throat, if you want." She said softly, smiling at the woman as she pushed it a bit closer. Honeycomb was a dangerous thing to get, but luckily for her the boys seemed to like to get into trouble and didn't mind a few stings.

As Amalia shared her interests, Ara in turn shared her own. Oh, so she was interested in quite the opposite as her! She wanted to help the elders, while Amalia wanted to save pups. "Maybe we can study together some time," she offered, little bunny tail giving a few quick wags, "I can see a few herbs that might apply to both our studies, and it would be nice to have a companion." It would seem that herbs didn't interest any of her boys, or Athena for that matter. They all knew that it was important, and let her focus on it. But it was countless hours alone, and Amalia was very much a social butterfly. But to have someone with her, even if they were quiet most of the time! It would be a lot better than just going at it alone. Plus, she had a feeling that they would be able to learn a lot from each other.

Amalia loved to watch Ara come out of her shell, that smile on her face growing more and more as their conversation grew. Just as it did for her, the topic of family brought out the biggest of smiles for Amalia as well. They were her everything, and she would do all she could for them. She could hear the pride in the woman's voice, which made her own chest swell with delight. She nodded eagerly when she asked for clarification, her rump wiggling along with her tail. "For a long time I had almost felt like our love was wrong, that it wasn't the way that it was supposed to be. But seeing you two there... I could see the love between you too, and it only solidified my emotions for my wife. It made me feel like less of an abomination for going against the flow," she admitted easily, her face growing thoughtful. "Although I do long to have pups of my own, to have a little girl in my life. But I know that unless I stumble upon one, that's not going to happen." She let out a bit of a laugh, although there was a touch of sadness in it. "I don't mind that, but there is still part of me that longs to be with pups, I watched my wife go through it and I adored it. But, I'm okay with it not happening. And I do love my boys with all my heart, and wouldn't trade them for anything." Amalia nodded her head firmly, as if to confirm her own words. "But we really should get the boys together some time, I think it would do all of them some good."