
Looking For Stars and got the Storm



4 Years
Extra large
02-28-2015, 03:13 PM

Seerten was a very level headed man, although when the lightning struck wolf called him a boy, he felt his hackles raise slightly. He may be younger, but he was no mere boy. He was mulling over his response when more words were spat at him, demanding to know what his name was and how they had met. "Our meeting was by sheer accident, I assure you I mean you and your family no harm," he said clearly, about to introduce himself when his chocolate gaze was pulled elsewhere. Astrea raced to the scene, concern on her pretty black face. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle as she jumped between the two, as if to stop a fight. Ten was still seated on his rump, he was no where near coming close to her brother. With amusement in his gaze, he rose and padded up to her, nuzzling behind one of her ears. "Its okay, Astrea. He is only trying to keep his family safe, I can appreciate that." He said softly, briefly looking up at the yellow coated man. He too, knew how important family was, and it made his heart sting. He missed them so much, and would give anything to find them again. Clearing his throat, his different shaped ears pulled back slightly. "If I am not welcome here, I will leave. I was just saving the star goddess from the long trek to where I stay. I thought that it may settle your fears." His voice was not accusing, just his normal, leveled tones. Astrea was no child, but he too feared for her safety when she left the cliffs. So he thought that he was taking the better route by coming here instead, only to be met by an over protective brother. He laughed softly, gazing fondly between the two wolves. If his brother and sister were still with him, he would react the same way. Plus, there were so many of them here, so many mouths to feed and keep safe. He didn't want to intrude on any of that, so if he was asked to leave, he would do so without argument.

"Talk" "You" Think

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.