



6 Years
02-28-2015, 09:15 PM
With a powerful laugh he allowed her to flop him into the wave. It wasn't that he even wanted to put his sister into water, he merely wanted to tease her a little. He knew how much she despised the ocean, and he knew that he would be the one to end up in the water in some way before he would his sister. When the wave washed over him he laughed happily, moving to stand but not shake the water from his fur. "Alright, now come give your big brother a hug." He said with a playful grin, moving towards her with his water soaked body. But after a few steps he chuckled and shook as much of the water drops from his puffy grey fur. With a gentle smile he turned to look at his sister, remembering part of the reason why he had called for her. His smile faded for a moment before he smiled again and trotted towards her. "Sister, dear, might I ask your opinion on something?" He asked softly, all trace of the play he had felt before nearly all wiped away. But oh, it could flare back in an instant! All he needed was to know that her loyalty to the family was solid, and that she would support their plans. "I want to know if I can count on your support, and loyalty, Serefina. It means everything to me." He said with a gentle smile. "We can play after this, I promise." Voltage's mind spun so quickly, as energetic as his body, and he often jumped from thought to thought. He needed to settle this one, first, and so he effectively pressed his elusive pause button, waiting for this conversation to be over again before he would play more.

"Burn Baby Burn"