
The Price Of Freedom



6 Years
02-28-2015, 10:16 PM

A voice would make his ears flick backwards, twitching a moment before being able to turn his head to the sound of his name. The voice was far from familiar, and his brother's appearance had a bit of damage too but his color was all Caeto needed to know who the man was. He picked up his back legs just enough to spin his body around and look at the man with a tiny smile, at least a big one for him. But before he could open his mouth to say anything, his older sister would also come to greet them.

Caeto hadn't been in the new family lands long enough to reunite with the family who had seemed to be lost to him. His older sibling were definitely distant in his memories but they were still there and they were still family. It was just Quintus and of course his father that he had failed to meet up with and they both were off everyone's radar.

Caeto sat back and watched as Amalia affectionately greet Cassius, a bit of a space out took place as he tried to think of his young days when he was with them. And that was quickly interrupted by Amalia's face just in front of his with a collision between the two. Caeto would roll with his sister, raising easily with a playful smile obviously glad that they could meet again, no matter how it was. He wouldn't be mad, he was looking up on things after all.

"You could take it a little easier next time." he joked, keeping his eyes on his sister a moment after speaking his next words but dragging to Cassius halfway through, "But you really could use more than one moose down your throat." Still in a joking matter but it sure was true.

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