
--sign in blood--



06-06-2013, 10:56 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2013, 12:56 AM by Chrysanthe.)
Patrolling the borders had become something of a routine for the red faced woman. Chrysanthe wasn't quite paranoid yet, but she wanted to protect the wolves within Valhalla, and with all of the pups that were here, there could never be enough scouting of the surrounding area. There were too many things that could happen to them, too many liabilities, and the alpha couldn't bear the thought of any one of them not growing up to term because of negligence. It was the reason why she was out at the moment that she heard the strange call. At first it put her on edge, because the faint scent that caught in her nose wasn't that of a lupine and the sound certainly wasn't either. Yet she could nearly decipher a meaning within it - a call for her attention? It was strange, she had never come across a wild animal that would bother mimicking the howl of a wolf, but the feeling was there - and despite her caution she approached.

As she drew closer, the smell of lupine did cross her senses, as well as the smell of hormones, which she was now familiar with between Erani and Okaami's pregnancies. She panicked a moment, thinking that this wild... thing, was posing a threat to a pregnant woman - and it was enough to get her to quicken her pace. When she arrived at the borders, she was somewhat winded, and was left feeling quite confused when she saw that the little beast of a creature and the sunset colored she-wolf seemed to be some sort of pair. For a moment she was reminded of Thane's connection with his eagle, Cyril - and she stared a moment before clearing her throat and mentally trying to will her breath into being even. "I heard your call - or rather, your friend's." The woman was extremely pregnant, that much couldn't be more obvious. As for what she wanted, well, the young lupine could take a gander.

"I am Chrysanthe, alpha of these lands. You look as if you could use a place to rest." It was risky, extremely so, but this woman was pregnant if the feeling in her gut meant anything, she could burst at any moment. "I don't know who you are or how long it took you to get here, but I won't have you standing on these borders any longer. Please come in?" Hopefully she had the time to get a name and figure out where this woman came from before she was in too much pain to talk. She would need a healer - Erani and Epiphron should be able to help should a medic be necessary.