
Fight Like Your Gods and Monsters



5 Years
03-01-2015, 12:49 AM

In the corner of his vision, he would find her figure rising to her paws and giving a shake. Perhaps she was a little uncomfortable with her seating position. Once she had adjusted her seating, the inquiry of whence he came from slipped from ebony lips.

"Oh, I don't mind." The earthen brute assured before flashing a grin. He was relieved to hear the female inquiring questions. Their encounter would be drained from interest if no queries were queried. His chin lifted in the air to catch a warm breeze, allowing it to rustle his mocha mane.  Eye lids closed as he entered a deep state of thought. Memories of his old home were quite fuzzy, but not too vague. He had quite a comfortable previous life of nothing but family and explorations. After that, he was kicked out into the unknown at the peak of his adulthood. "Let's see. My old home was a small island off the...eastern shore. I was one of the first few to travel here and settle in a temporary home while we awaited for the rest of the family to arrive. Now we're here."
Perhaps he was an explorer, but certainly not an ocean explorer. The family's temporary base was somewhere in the east, so hopefully that was where his previous island was located. It didn't matter anyway as he held no intention of returning.

He had planned to return the question back to her, however, as his gaze watched her form with interest it happened to slip away from his mind. After trailing down the mound with no such flaws, she stood closer to the shore with cerulean waves lapping her paws hungrily. Desperate to beat the summer's heat, he soon joined the woman with a salmon tongue lolled out and a tricoloured tail swishing with every step he took. It was only then he realised how badly his limbs desired the sharp jolt only cold water could deliver. Slowly and lazily, he allowed the salty liquid to absorb into every pore belonging to his ankles. After a few moments of observing the tide tug and pull his weight before retreating in an endless cycle, he shot a curious glance to the peaceful Faye beside him. A plan hatched in his mind, and no matter how immature it seemed, he would still follow it through. In one swift motion, he dragged a forepaw across the water towards her in the hopes to cause a splash. Throughout this, a cheeky grin would stay plastered to his features. It was a test. Did the lady have her sense of fun?