
Coastal winds



6 Years
03-01-2015, 02:08 AM
Voltage stayed where he sat, his mind swiftly moving on to more pressing matters (that he had already mulled over...twice, since he perched upon his rock) and he knew that he should be out talking with his family, getting their input. But instead, he merely sat there, staring out at the horizon. It wasn't until Gale's voice jolted him (literally) from his thoughts, and he turned towards her. He blinked a few times, his eyes dry from staring, before a small, embarrassed smile crossed his face. "The sky.." He said easily, teasingly as he tilted his head upwards with a grin. It was like a saving grace to have her head, to and he couldn't help but count his blessings. Here she was, one of the family members he hadn't gotten input, and she had saved him from his many sighings and thoughts. Oh, it was a good day, indeed. "Have you been settling in?" He asked, nearly with worry. He knew some of the family disliked the place they had chosen, especially Serefina and Astrea, but he hoped that the cliff side had managed to appease the star lover. And he knew his daily plays with Serefina was helping her warm up more to the idea....he hopes. Dunking him in the ocean certainly seemed to please her. Voltage was often so worried about his family's affection towards their new home that he barely thought if he liked it or not, and to be entirely honest, Voltage was on a fence. He hated the storms, but he loved the idea that it seemed to have so much for almost everyone. All he needed was his family, really, and Voltage would be quite happy. Slowly he shifted, stretching out his stiff joints before he stepped from the rock. Bowing down, he stretched, hoping to return the feeling to his numb behind as he took a few steps, circling his sister only to try and get the pins and needles out of his paws. Voltage had never sat still for so long before, and he didn't like the after affects.

With a gentle hum he turned to look at his sister then, smiling. He might aswell ask her, he guessed. He needed his family's input, needed to know this move would be great for everyone and that they supported it. He really didn't want the same thing to happen when they moved. So he turned towards her, his stormy eyes shining. "Hey, Gale, say Glacier and I decided to make this a more...permanent home. If we made us into a pack, officially. Would you support it?" He asked softly, nervously. He needed his sister's support, truly, just as he needed everyone elses. "We've been mulling it over since before the third litter came to us, but it seems we might have finally found a place where we can settle in...forever, hopefully." With a toothy grin he would wait for her response...hopefully she supported it.
