
you just can't hide



8 Years
Chrono I
03-01-2015, 12:05 PM

She had heard a call from the battlefield just as almost everyone had. She had made her way to the border of Arcanum, head held high and ears perked in that direction. Would Aerndis be behind her? Was she lurking in the back waiting for her to cross her prison bars? But after waiting for so long, she could help it anymore. She knew it was her mother and she didn't want her to make the same stupid mistake she had.

She would leap over the border as if jumping over a fence, and wouldn't look back even a second as she ran as fast as she could to make it to the battle field in time. Not even realizing that her paw was no longer damaged and that it was all in her head anyway.

She would slow with a heavy breath when she came to the group of wolves surrounding the fight but wouldn't even look at her father for she didn't even realize he was there. Instantly she would look to her mother and her new queen who were at each other's throats and her eyes would widen, even her dysfunctional eye.

"No, NO!" She would shout and force her way through the wolves in front of her and blocking her way. "It's too soon! NO!" She would jump too close to the wolves in battle but would pin her ears and bark at her queen though obviously mad at her mother. (She's not actually interfering just in range of the fight), "How could you do this!"

They were probably too busy fighting to realize that she was trying to stop them, trying to save her mother so that she could go back home to her parents and die like it was planned. She may have been seeing her mother one last time, whether it was to see her death or walk away with victory. But she was sure Natalya wouldn't make it to the end of this fight, her condition when she left Pantheon was far from good health.

It was ironic that she was so worried that everyone in Arcanum was hiding in the bushes staring and laughing at her and her new handicap. And now she was standing in front of a whole crowd and drawing everyone's attention to herself without even a single thought that they were there. Her ugly was nothing to her now that her mother was here and willing to die for her. She didn't know the purpose of it but it hadn't mattered to her. It would only come back to haunt her much later. But it couldn't be worse than Charon or the others...

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon" "Voices"