
The Sky's Call



4 Years
03-01-2015, 12:59 PM
silently she's filled with pride
One day they'll know, she's got a heart of gold And she sings, I want to know what love is But it seems to come with so much pain If no one wants to show me It seems easier just to run away When I am gone it's just a penny for my soul But God he knows, I got a heart of gold but now change is clear

It was pure chaos, words and growls drowning each other out. Her brother leaping forwards to snarl up at the speckled giant; then the appearance of her sister seemed to bring everything to focus. The spotted male backed off some and it seemed Astrea was doing her best to calm their brother. Pale yellows narrowed as the starry girl brushed against Solaris but not eager to aggravate things further. The vixen stood behind, listening and brooding slightly. As Astrea moved off to sit beside the speckled male Selíni pushed up beside her brother, midnight pelt against the sunlight of his coat.

She bristled at her sister’s question opening her jaws to answer when Seerten answered and her mouth snapped closed with an audible clicking, though her expression remained cold. In truth she was relieved to see that her sister wasn’t in any danger but now that it was clear there was no threat the frustration of her sister’s behavior was creeping back in.

"Right!" The vixen jumped on the question in the speckled male’s speech. "Look I don’t know what you’ve convinced yourself but there is no reason any of us wouldn’t come looking for you." She her words weren’t harsh but her tone was, making it obvious what she thought of this whole ordeal. "It was a selfish thing to do Astrea! Glacier and Voltage have worked hard to accommodate us and you walking out on us wasn’t just childish but hurtful! I expect this sort of behavior from Serefina but not you!" She let a hint of disappointment creep into her tone.
