
knock knock! (SIEGE)

Aerndís I


5 Years
03-01-2015, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2015, 01:55 PM by Aerndís I.)

Aerndís blinked slowly as she processed Sigmarr's words.  Did he just call her a bitch?  Huh, now who went and taught him such language?  She let out a sigh, tail wagging lazily behind her. "You ignorant twit Sigmarr… you know as well as I that it is in the wolf's nature to prey on the weak.  It is how the world works and was something you yourself once believed quite strongly in.  Well come on then… Let's end this here and now and free ourselves fully of the past.  I'll even cut you a deal.  As I have wronged both you and your sister you are both free to attack me.  If she agrees the three of us will duel… to the death." Aern let her words hang in the air for the siblings to consider.  She was flush with blood-lust, ready to prove her strength to the spirits she so worshipped.  Surely they would find her brazen deal proof of her bravery…. and maybe… just maybe they would deem her worthy enough to see her son again.  Lavender gaze locked with Sigmarr's ice-blue eyes.  The eyes that had haunted her dreams and wishes since their first meeting.  She would free herself of them... of this false lie, this surrogate.  Grinning she set her defenses.  "I will face my fate with fangs bared...."

Words fell in a whisper, clinging desperately to the air as another roll of thunder shook overhead, the clouds moving on their way, making way for the sun to stain the sky with red.

Aerndís vs Sigmarr and Sindri for DEATH

Rd.  -/3

ooc:  Talked with Laz and I have first move, I'll edit this with the fight part but I've got a lot on my plate today and 0 fight muse  xD


ooc:  So, I'm all for telling a story when rp'ing and got to talking with Laz.  We both decided it would be more epic for Sindri to join in.  Especially since the whole "guy fighting on the woman's behalf" type deal gets old real fast.  So....  a DM with three participants, there are three ways we can do this but Laz and I have decided on all or none.  So if Aern wins they both die, if one of them win Aern will die.  Yay drama!