
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-06-2013, 01:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2013, 01:58 PM by Cherokee.)

He honestly didn't mind doing all of the work. He felt like it was the least he could do after having gotten her soaking wet the night before. Not that he'd minded the after affects of that, but still, he still felt kinda about it. What better way to make it up to her than by getting her some delicious breakfast? It seemed Song didn't really like the fact that he was the one that was going to be doing everything. He chuckled, shaking his massive head in dismissal. Miss Song please don't fret your pretty head. I don't mind at all. It's the least I could do after having gotten you attacked by that wave. I can promise that you are not a burden on me at all. If I must admit, I like doing things for you.It was too late to take the last part of his response back. Would he sound weird for saying that? He hoped not.

A smile painted itself across his ebon kissers as he felt the porcelain maiden bump him back as they began their trek. He gave her a bump of his own in response, turning back for a moment to glance at her before returning his attention back to the path ahead of them. They hadn't wandered far from the ocean, so Cherokee assumed that there had to be some smaller bodies of water close by. A waterfall maybe? He'd gotten a whiff of one while arriving at the beach and he was thinking he could track it again. It had to have edible fish to dine on. If it didn't they could always keep on looking or they could just settle for a doe or maybe some hares if they happened upon some.

The pair was walking at a moderate pace, comfortable in the silence that had grown between them when from beside him came Song's voice as she confessed that she'd really enjoyed her day with him. His heart leapt into his mouth and he had to swallow before he could answer. I too have enjoyed my day with you miss Song and believe me, asking you to talk has been the best thing I've done in a while. Nape arched to the left, crown turning as his dual-toned gems flickered to her own, presenting her with a full blown smile as he pressed his body against hers. It seemed every moment he spent with her only worked to strengthen the feelings stirring inside of him. Audits tipped forward, dome swinging back to its former position as he caught the sound of rushing water. Could that be the waterfall? Cherokee redirected his path so that they strayed left, his massive frame gently guiding Song's as he began leading her to what he hoped were the waterfalls.

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