



6 Years
03-01-2015, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2015, 03:26 PM by Voltage.)
Voltage's happiness would instantly slip away as her temper flared up, like fire catching to a log, it was sudden and instant and Voltage was used to it. He didn't walk on eggshells to circumvent her anger, just as he didn't soften his own in return. With a huff he would watch as she turned to walk away, a master of the final word, before he kicked off the sand to eat away the distance between them, moving to get infront of her to block her path. "Serefina!" He growled deeply, stormy eyes alive with his own fire, his energy. "I am not questioning your loyalty to this family." His lips would curl just a moment before he sighed, anger slowly fading from his expression, tilting his head to the side and slowly looking away to glance along the beach. He just...wanted to do it right. It seemed Voltage still had a lot of learning to do. No one can control a fire, can they. "I am merely trying to do what you asked me to do. I need your support." Perhaps above everyone, he needed to know Serefina was at his side. Perhaps he was insecure, but its just the way passion runs. He turned stormy eyes back to his beloved sister to look at her, brows pulling tight. "I just want to make you happy..." He whispered softly. "I wanted to include you, but more...I can't do this without knowing for sure you'll support it. I know it should be unsaid, but...leaving things unsaid has messed things up already once, I can't do that again." He said softly, but loud enough for Serefina to hear, before he settled down on his haunches, ears pulling back as he looked out at the ocean again, waiting for her to either burn him, or to calm her flames.

"Burn Baby Burn"