
Mother Dearest [Destruction]


06-06-2013, 02:18 PM

Dillinger was so much like her when it came to personality. He had a bad temper, wasn't exactly the conversational type and was pretty stubborn to boot. He had none of the qualities of his father Bane, that which Destruction was more than glad of. She didn't want Dillinger to reflect anything of the bastard who had managed to get his way with her during her heat. She still didn't feel anything towards him and was more than likely to rip his sorry hide from his miserable carcass were she to cross paths with him again.

Despite his young age, the russet stained mother had already begun teaching her youth the basic skills of life; hunting and tracking. Hunting because he would have to learn how to sustain himself once he decided to leave the company of his mother and track in case he ever needed to find someone. She needed him prepared for the world when he took his place among it and he was already taking huge strides to get there. Even now as he disobeyed her orders, he was using the skills that she was instilling in him. Despite being slightly irritated at his disobedience, she was proud that he was catching on quickly and putting into play the things she was teaching him.

His dissatisfaction with the situation was evident. He could never hide how he truly felt from Destruction. If you're so bored Dillinger, then what do you want to do? We have all day and plenty of places to go to. She liked the fact that he was bored; that meant he wanted to learn. She was more than willing to teach him whatever it was that he wanted to learn. She was going to turn him into a superb wolf.

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