
interruptions [vriska]


06-06-2013, 02:26 PM
The brisk cold of the north. It was far more harsh than any normal wolf could handle, that was for certain. Vriska was a tough one, she had survived plenty long on her own, with plenty to eat. She only ate when she needed to after all, and she didn't need much to eat with her smaller red wolf body. Hiding in the distance with her purple eyes watching the flailing snow. Sloppy, too sloppy. She thought as she watched the young male, probably by a few years at that. It took him some time, but he caught and gobbled up the rabbit before Vriska could get into it. Well, that was life for you, things happened, and sometimes the younger ones got the best of you without learning anything. Her empty eyes reflecting off the dim light in the snow, as he caught her scent from the change in the wind. Her ears swiveled in curiosity. He was mysterious. Rarely did she care what other wolves did or wanted to do with their lives. Not unless they were family by blood, other than that, she took to torturing, but she never killed unless she had a reason to hate them. So far he had not given her one. As she stepped closer, but kept her distance for a few feet away, this was the wilderness survival of the fittest and it was not much more than a big contest.

"Well I did want the rabbit, but you got to it first, so the prize goes to you." Vriska stated in a clear crisp tone. They were on equal ground here, Vriska did not expect respect, nor did she care to give any anyway. She simply stood with her head held at a reasonable height. Carrying her own weight, she would have to find another meal, but for now she was hoping this male could entertain her. Unless he didn't intend to bite, just the way he looked, he looked as if he was lost in some way. Yet, Vriska wasn't entirely a mind reader, she simply knew the rules of life and how they were played. Bending and shaping in her paws, she moved the snow around with her legs scattering it about. Her violet eyes looking at the blood stains from his hunt in the snow.

"A sloppy hunt, but at least you caught the furball, thus you live another day, unless something else gets you." She stuffed her nose in the snow and tried to sniff out any scents. There didn't seem to be anything with the wind in it's direction. Vriska let out a disappointing sigh and sat down flicking her tail. "Looks like I'll have to find another meal." She told herself, though her interest still perked over towards the male. What would he do, or would she just lose interest and walk away.