Fight Like Your Gods and Monsters
Terrae, the God, made progress in maneuvering upon her throne. She waded further into the depths, watching his moral posture and the way he held himself against the gushing of the frenzied current. Fayelon's corpus was bubbling with a newly found interest in the man, her digits barreling deeper into the sleek platform of sand beneath her phalanges. Such a gorgeous corporeal embodiment of all different shadings of natural coloring, his facial expression held a devious grin and his body language told no lies within their roots.
His tall tales about his old home land never went unnoticed as she gazed at the larger beast in front of her. He had family? Has she ran into them? Possibly not, but maybe one day she will for she plans to keep him in mind for the later future. As they had hit it off immediately on her stumbling into his scenery. A angelic chuckle ripped through her insolent trap door, following words of pure toxins. Ah, I see. Well I came from a different atmosphere, a much darker aroma than this one. Being a Greek descendant I traveled far and wide to end up here.. in this magical galaxy. My family on the other hand are long passed the point to ever breath air into their lungs, aside from my brother Castro. He may have followed me here and if so than my past sure knows how to keep up with me, not that I entirely hate my family but there is a strong dispute and hatred that is not too thin from insanity."
Yes, quite a mouthful, but it was spoken like a wise prophet. She indeed had troubles with her family, or what's left of it at least. Her brother is the real issue in this whole ordeal, the two never got along, let alone showed any kind of compassion or love for one another. They are more like enemies, always trying to be the better villain than the other, aside from aiming to kill each other on a day-to-day basics. Though thankfully Fayelon won't have to worry too much about that bastard for a while.
The vixen cast her venomous optics out onto the waters fresh sea salt aquarium, finding peace in its waking climax. She was dawning on the past, about how her selfish crazed mother and her kingly brutal father. She gathered in a breath of fresh air and let it out as her crown began to rotate in Terrae's direction. She printed a fake smile onto her visage, although it wasn't long before that small smile faded when the chilly substance came crashing down onto her face and along her torso. She was now fully drenched from head to tail. She might have gotten mad if it were anyone else cloaking her with water, but she couldn't get infuriated with him. Actually laughter erupted from her chambers, shaking her coat to spray droplets onto the male specimen. Grinning devilishly towards him the dame drew entire bodice back into a playful pose than with ease and elegance Fayelon propelled herself into Terrae's frame. Hoping to cause the same damage he had done to her pelt, as it was intended for fun and excitement she planned to get even.