
The Power You're Supplying -- It's Electrifying!



6 Years
03-01-2015, 09:43 PM
Voltage and Glacier had decided that it was time to settle in their family and make it official, which they would do...once Voltage got rid of the last remaining doubts. And he decided it was about time that he would pay a visit to his little alpha friend in her pack to the north. It had taken several days to trek across the lands (a trip he had taken with little planning, only telling Glacier where he was going when he was nearly out of the "territory") Odette, he was sure, would help him get rid of his insecurities about settling in within these lands. They were new, after all, and he was nearly blind to all the packs and their mentalities. He sniffed for her, catching her scent on the cool breeze and following it to a thick wood. This place, it certainly was safe wasn't it? He hummed lightly as he trekked through the snow, his black and yellow frame clashing terribly with the white. He stood out like a sore thumb, but that meant others would aswell! Keeping on the polite side of the border he moved along to search for an entrance, hoping to catch her without having to call. As little wolves that knew they were there the better. But it seemed that she saw him well before he did her. A bright grin crossed his face as she bounded through the snow, and he laughed good naturedly. "If it isn't the warm hearted snow queen." He called over the distance, grinning a toothy grin before he would dip his head to her in a polite gesture. "I hope you don't mind an impromptu visit. He said in a gentle voice, eyes shining as he gazed upon the girl he had met within the snows one day, and she had instantly made a warm place within his heart.