
When Honor Isn't Enough


03-01-2015, 10:20 PM

Thanatos had no more attention left to give for the petty things before the battle. There was no more time for words, it was time for action, to prove to all present what he stood for. The brute would remain buckled down, his defenses checked. Thanatos paid particular attention to the defenses upon his face -- pinned ears, narrowed eyes and his neck being scrunched. With his opponent’s height in mind he figured she would likely attack his face or upper body. The outcome of this fight, Thanatos reminded himself, wouldn’t matter. What mattered is he stood for what he believed which was more than some would dare stand for.

His opponent closed the space between them, coming head on {I assume because I did not see any angle mentioned in Eve’s post about it}. He would eye her, seizing her up, debating on his target of attack. His tail would give a twitch beneath him, tucked safely rather than being held out. Muscles remained tense upon his body, weight distributed across his limbs as he watched the woman stalk ever so closer. Legs were spread, as were his toes, with his claws biting into the dirt where many had fallen upon this battlefield once before. Would he join them? No! Jaws would part, shoulders shifting into a rolled forward position. He would stand victorious today. By the gods he had to!

Hackles raised, the boy readied himself for the first move.

The white behemoth would move and so would the brown furred male. Head would drop down and towards the right, body angle shifting along with his head, so that he could get attempt to get his parted jaws around her left foreleg. Thanatos’ upper jaw would the flesh just above her shoulder while the lower sought the area just above the elbow. His desire was to bite down with force and damage the muscle however he could. Thany wanted her leg useless at the end of this fight.

He could smell blood too, feel pain as his opponent caught the tip of his ear in her mouth {roughly a third of his ear}. The damage would be moderate, possibly have him end up losing that part of his right ear. A shame, but no big loss.

Trying to ignore the pain Thanatos would take one step forward with his front left leg, pushing forward with his hind legs to throw himself at his opponent as she thrust herself forward as well. If all went as planned she would push herself right into his jaws and he could bite down into the desired muscle. The claws of his left leg were biting into the soil, weight continuing to shift as he moved forward.

There was a jolt of pain, though not quite as bad as it could have been, as the girl’s inner right leg struck his outer left. Her karate shop had missed his ankle directly, though impact was enough to register pain. Perhaps a mild bruise somewhere along his lower leg. All minor sacrifices in this game.

Thanatos vs. Mercy For Dominance / Maim {Immobility of Front Left Leg}

Round:: 1/3

Attacks:: “Head would drop down and towards the right, body angle shifting along with his head, so that he could get attempt to get his parted jaws around her left foreleg. Thanatos’ upper jaw would the flesh just above her shoulder while the lower sought the area just above the elbow. His desire was to bite down with force and damage the muscle however he could. Thany wanted her leg useless at the end of this fight.” || Shoving himself at Mercy as she is shoving herself at him.

-Moderate bite to right ear. Going to loss the end third of it regardless of maim outcome.
-Mild bruising to lower left foreleg.
-Pending damage from both shoves / counter damage.

Notes:: Thank you Eve so much for your patience. The next round should come much quicker now that I’m feeling up to par. :3 Also confirming what Eve stated in the two being four feet apart.

Also not sure if my damage and attacks and such even make sense. Was trying to have it all shift as both bodies shifted but... e-e Also, because of how Thanatos’s attack is I’m leaving the damage of Mercy’s shove as pending, because that will all depend on how she angles herself and if her leg goes directly into his jaws or not?  -Sobs- I’m so bad at fights I’m sorry.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono