
Tell me, Can I live again?

Motif I


4 Years
03-02-2015, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2015, 03:50 PM by Motif I.)

She found comfort in grooming her injured brother, smoothing out his coat and hearing him relax, she hated to see him injured, despite the course being one that she would see him fight for over and over, one that she would fight for herself – family. But what did that mean when one fought and got injured for family, only for that family to then.. she shook her head violently, unwilling to let those thoughts return to her in this little slice of peace they had managed to carve out for themselves.

Bass pulled away from her, and she looked up at him, wondering what was going through his head. He was looking at her, and when he spoke she would freeze, and then melt. She would blink back the teat that threatened to fall as she crawled closer to him and nuzzled his cheek. “And I need to get to know Wren and your children better, we are family, and our families family matters just as dearly” she whispered to him. She had been so afraid of how he would take Shai, and at first her fears had been realized, but he was willing now to get to know them both, to let them into his heart as well as his home.

He wasn't finished surprising her however, his next words would be about leadership – not the position she had once held, but one that was still second only to the Alpha's of the pack. She blinked in surprise, her ambitions had been buried with everything that had happened in her life and she didn't know if she was going to dig them back out again, certainly she hadn't made any attempts to prove she deserved a better rank. “Oh Bass, but I haven't proved my worth of the rank. I would never turn it down, I want nothing more then to help you however I can, but are you sure you want to offer it?” she asked softly, she wanted the rank now that the idea was presented to her, she had held such a minimal presence in the pack of late and this would give her a push to put herself back out there, responsibilities to take her mind of everything else.. but, did she deserve it?

