
i need your love



10 Years
03-02-2015, 05:44 PM
Ara wouldn't admit it now, but she was afraid of what she might find when she found her parents and Steel. How were they doing? Obviously they were far enough away that they hadn't heard their new alpha's call, or they would've come to see what was happening here. Had they left this land entirely? How long might it take to find them? Whatever she might find, she knew she needed and wanted Novel to be by her side through it all. Only briefness would sadness and uncertainty touch her as she breathed in her mate's sweet scent.

Still, her tail wagged gleefully behind her. They lived a quiet life, without much excitement, but she preferred it that way... this would likely be one of the biggest things they'd done together. "Of course!" she replied quickly, her grin growing as excitement washed over her. She didn't know what all such a thing might entail, but she'd be happy to ask regardless. She'd never felt shame in their love, though they'd never been extremely open with it, as they were both very private and reserved. She could only hope that the rest of Novel's family -- the few that remained, in Threar -- would be as accepting of their love as she hoped, and willing to welcome her into their family.

"I can't wait," she told her eagerly, a soft giggle escaping her lips as she returned the affection tenfold, covering Novel's face in gentle kisses. A content sigh escaped her throat as she embraced her, more tightly, feeling overwhelmed with desire and love. For now she would be content to lay here with her, thinking of how she might ask for a wedding from their new alpha, thinking of how Psalm and Hymn might take their absence, and wondering what their journey might bring them.

- end thread? -