
No One Cares


06-06-2013, 04:18 PM

Rum's eyes moved to Epiphron's once again. Her sparkling blue orbs nott really focusing on either of them. Though Rum didn't really understand what happened between Cairo and Fenrir back at the meeting, Rum wasn't treated badly at all. At least, not that he saw? Well either way, that's not what would have drove him away.

"If I may say, I'm not leaving due to the meeting. Personal reasons aside, I need to find Pepper and bring her back here."

His pupils then looked over at Fenrir, not moving his head. But they quickly moved back to Epiphron. Rum was really sick, he needed serious help but he refused to think he needed anything at all. Old Ala really hurt him, but he refused to get help. And nothing would change his mind otherwise. He would go off in a world that didn't give two shits about him and he would let himself slowly die. Alone. No Pepper, no Morgan, no one at all.

A part of him wanted to find Freak, his real father just to meet him at least once. But another part of him just hoped he died somewhere, alone and unloved like he was about to do. But Rum was doing this on purpose. And he didn't regret any of it because he knew that this was much better then sticking around and letting his family watch him suffer.