
A Silver Ray Of Hope



7 Years
03-02-2015, 06:10 PM

She staggered slightly, pausing as her now very large red son caught her against his shoulder. He’d grown so swiftly while they’d been lost, going from a pup who followed his curiosity more than his brain, and had gotten  them into this scrape in the first place, to a serious male, who somehow had inhaled all of his cousins teachings about honor and how to treat a female. Stubborn, polite, and attentive. She was proud of him. Her shoulder felt so sore, though the gash the rocks had opened there was on its way into the last stages of healing. How had Regulus managed to inhale so much of Erani’s knowledge? If not for her son, she’d have been much worse off.

Erani… Surreals heart panged with the recent loss. Of all the wolves in her life, her mother had been the closest to her heart. Even eclipsing Falk. It was the special niche filled only by a parent, and none could occupy it anymore. She nosed Regulus’ shoulder softly, indicating she was steady enough to move on. How long had they been gone? She wasn’t sure. Where they were, she couldn’t say, but she caught random whiffs of scent that reminded her of golden eyes and bright blue feathers. Where was Batte-song? The last she’d seen of her friend, the hawk was being swept away on the strong winds of the storm that had helped to take them off course, along with Regulus’ sudden curiosity.

They continued on, until at long last, Surreal saw something that triggered a memory. Bright, shimmering sands, with sea on either side. ”Regulus… I think we’ve made it.” Her voice cracked slightly, her throat being parched. The last water they’d found had been yesterday at a dam. ”We’re nearly home.” But would any of them still be there? Had Falk given up on her? What about her daughters? Please, please let them be alright.

They broke out of the treeline, and she felt the sand under her paws, felt the hope rise in her chest. But dare she hope? All she could do was force herself to keep walking, though her stride was more assured now that she knew where she was. The heavy limp, she hoped, would fade with a bit more time and rest. With how assured Regulus had become about being a stubborn, fussing male, she’d be getting plenty of rest. He was growing into himself, and becoming so much stronger for it. And he wasn’t even a yearling yet.

Finally, she saw the smudge of mainland clarify in the distance, landmarks becoming visible. No doubt about it. They were nearly home.