
Coastal winds



5 Years
03-03-2015, 12:17 AM
›if things go wrong we can knock it down‹

Walk | Talk | Think

She spooked him, which immediately earned a widening of her smile into a grin. It was always a fun day when she could catch her siblings off their guard, and Gale was definitely one to take what fun she could out of any unexpectedly amusing moment that came her way. Thankfully she had not thrown Voltage so far off that he had not been able to answer her, though the silly answer he did offer was clearly not the truth. "Oh, ha," she answered with dry humor, even as she continued to grin up at her brother while moving to sit beside the rock he sat on. Her grey-green gaze went seaward, letting the winds buffet against her and tug at her grey and lavender coat. There was a small pause before she answered his question, enjoying the sensation of the wind before she spoke, "I'm adjusting. It helps that the winds are really consistent here. They might smell like the ocean but there's nothing stopping them."

Her arrival seemed to have stirred him back into action, and whatever had bothered him so to keep him still for so long was forgotten. There was still a little curiosity in the girl that wondered what it might have been, but given the reaction her brother had to it she figured it might be best to just let it be. He looked like he was waking up again, getting up from his perch to join her back on the sands only to circle around her in that maddening way of his. Her ears turned to follow his endless pacing while her eyes stayed resolutely forward, letting him have his moment of movement while she enjoyed her peaceful marine breeze until he again turned his pointed stare on her with a question.

The tone of his voice set her off first, though the question itself was enough to get him her full attention. Her pale eyes stared at him a moment, blinked, before she found her voice again and answered with intrigue, "A pack, huh?" Go figure the steady mountain would have wanted a more permanent home like that, and she was sure Voltage's zeal and energy had only solidified the idea even more. There seemed to be so much weight to the idea, so much finality in it, that at first she was averse - she was barely adjusted to the beach as it was! - but she reminded herself again that her family would be there. Her brothers and sisters would stay and make it work. So long as they were together, what did a silly title matter to her?

"You guys are really serious about this, aren't you?" she questioned, lifting one brow as she angled her head away to stare sidelong at Voltage. How had she not seen this coming? But she relented, relaxed, and answered him in a tone that was nothing but sincere. "You know I'm not going anywhere. You guys are my home," she stated, reaching forward to nudge his chin roughly with her nose, "and if that means home is a pack, then call me a pack wolf."