
Coastal winds



6 Years
03-03-2015, 12:37 AM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2015, 12:42 AM by Voltage.)
"I know it's been hard, sister.." He said softly as he continued to move, almost groaning over the odd feeling rushing up his legs. "It hasn't been easy for everyone to settle in, some more than others. But if you need anything, at all.." He trailed off then and smiled, hoping she knew without him saying. He was always there, always willing to help, just a single call away. But he would grin, pushing his paws harder against the sand as the feeling slowly returned to his paws. "Have you been up to the cliffside? Two dens down from the main den is a tunnel and it leads up to this gorgeous viewpoint. You'll get lovely winds up there." He said with a gentle smile. When Lightbutt finally got the pins and needles feeling from his paws he stopped to sit beside his sister. This time, though, he didn't stop moving. His tail would flick behind him and he went about pawing at the wet black sand, pulling it into a pile before he began to push it and pat it to try and shape it into...something. Maybe a sand-cave or a new home for his hermit crab friends. Yet he still kept his ears on Gale, smiling down at the sand as he sat in her company, waiting for her response to his question. Part of his constant movements now were due to nervousness, but why should he worry?

When she spoke he let out a soundless sigh, feeling some weight lift off his shoulders. Another family member, he knew Gale would stand at their side. "It wont be too much of a change, only now our siblings will have jobs and be accounted for them." He said with a playful grin. "No more endless days laying in the sun....or the moon, if you prefer." With a boyish laugh he shook his head, sighing and patting at his sand mount as he turned to look at his sister. "It's not necessarily that we are serious about making a pack to be one, nor do we want official lordship over you all. My main concern is the safety. As a pack, our borders will be stronger and trespassing will be a lot less likely. Our siblings will learn and practice skills we don't use on a day to day basis. We will be a stronger...structured family this way, I just see it." He said with a gentle grin before looking back out at the ocean, watching the breeze play with the calm waves.

But no, it wasn't just about safety, at least not to Voltage. "Our Parents never gave us this sense of structure, and whatever stability we may have felt was so easily ripped away from us. It's been too long since we've felt home, hasn't it Gale. This place will be our home, domi nostrea, and no one will be able to take it from us." He whispered, his paw pressing hard enough on his sand mound that it flattened. "Not again" With narrowed stormy eyes he would vow, his voice deep with promise as his toes flexed against the sand and he stared at the sun bouncing off the water, at the pastel colors of the evening, feeling the breeze comb his bright fur. Never again.
