
Coastal winds



6 Years
03-03-2015, 01:22 AM
Voltage had continued to stare out at the ocean, his eyes narrowing just slightly as he lost himself to his thoughts once more. It was rare, very rare for Voltage to fade out like this, but it was possibly because he rarely ever thought so deeply. He was a wolf of instincts and emotions, but everything seemed to pile up so high that he could only really try and think about it, to find a solution. Play with Serefina did distract him for a while, and deep conversations with his siblings helped, but they always came back full force. It made his already scattered sleep even more scattered to the point of almost uselessness. But when her paw settled on his, light suddenly snapped back to widening stormy eyes. He glanced down at her delicate lavendar paw, before turning to look at her aswell. He hadn't noticed, as his own thoughts grew darker and sadder, that he had nearly pulled her down with him. Drowning in a sea of memories.

Slowly his lips would spread from their tight line, showing off-white teeth as he sported an embarrassed looking grin, before he chuckled softly. "If the storms came at my call, I wish they'd listen when I tell them to go away." He said with a grin. His fear of thunder was common knowledge, he assumed, but perhaps he was better at hiding it than he thought. After all, Serefina had helped him make that near-soundproofed den for the nights the storms rolled in. Looking down at the sand he would lift his paw (possibly lifting hers with it, if she had left it where it was) and looked sheepishly at the black sand."Sure hope I didn't crush a hermit crab....again." He said almost teasingly before turning to look back at her.

"Thank you, Gale." He said softly, grinning at her before moving to lean over the distance and nuzzle into her neck, breathing in the scent of salt and the wind on her fur. "For supporting your senseless brother in all his spontaneousness." Voltage would grin, brightly, lifting his head back to look at her, tilting it just slightly. He wouldn't trade any of his family for the world, but right now his sister was at the center of it. "I'm sorry...for not thoroughly discussing the move with you. I plan on being much more...informative in the future." He said with a bright grin before he turned back to the sand and went about recreated his sand-cave.
