
What's My Future?



4 Years
03-03-2015, 01:35 AM

If only it would be a sound plan. Did he actually believe it was a sound plan or was he just saying it for support? Either way, there was no point in changing it now.
"If it is alright with you, I would like to hunt by myself for now. Perhaps you can watch and give me feedback?" She suggested gently before slowly padding away from his position. Whether he followed her or watched from afar would be his choice, as long as he avoided any interruptions with the hunt.

After gaining some distance away her previous location, her limbs carried her around the falls in a leisurely pace. While she seemed relaxed and calm, her nose worked twice as hard to analyse the scents drifting in the air. Her eyes would not be as much use as her smell, since smart prey was usual in hiding. However, her gaze was alert and attentive, scanning for the slightest movements that may belong to a creature. It wasn't long before she found herself latching onto the faint scent of a hare. The speed in her pace decreased enormously as she followed the lingering smell, leading her gradually to a row of wide bushes. She seemed to pay no attention to the thick grass underneath making the most noticeable of noises. The chestnut creature sat only a metre away from the bushes, closer to where she crept. Although the slope provided some advantage with swiftness, her skills were far from catching the creature. Without turning around to face the predator, the hare twitched its whiskers before delving into the bushes and taking off into the forest in a frantic yet silent motion. Were her paw-steps that loud? Perhaps she waited too long and the hare managed to pick up her scent. The whole time her stance was frozen, unsure if chasing after it would be the efficient thing to do. It was too late now, and all she could do was let out a grunt of annoyance.
