
No One Cares



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-06-2013, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2013, 05:16 PM by Epiphron.)

Fenrir spoke up first. The woman liked him, even though she'd never really conversed with him; he certainly seemed like a decent man. But things had happened so quickly, and she figured it would do no good to dwell on the past, to think of the things she could have -- and perhaps should have -- done.

"Well, you certainly owe no apologies to me," she said simply. "I'm confident my sister will make the right choices. As for now, I rule alongside her, but soon I plan to visit the King of Seracia and ask if he would mind if it was I that married his son, rather than Chrysanthe." It was beginning to dawn on her that she would be leaving here soon. To hopefully seal a deal that would change her life forever. "And if he accepts, I suppose I shall be the Princess of Seracia. Granted the wolves there are not opposed." She smiled gently, shrugging her shoulders. Despite her strength, it was obvious she was nervous about it all.

Then Rum spoke up. He was not leaving because of what had happened at the meeting, but for personal reasons. Still, she did not want him to view Valhalla poorly. "Either way -- I'm still sorry that Valhalla was not what you needed," she said with a sigh. "But I can't say it was perfect for me, either." Despite the fact that she had grown up there, that most of her family lived there, by going to Seracia she would be securing a strong alliance for her family. And marrying the man that she had truly fallen in love with. "Where will the two of you go, if you know?" It was conversation, if anything. Tail had lowered to rest behind her. Soon she would not be a leader of Valhalla, and it would soon be time to stop acting like that.