


03-03-2015, 01:27 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 22

Character's Name: Sunniva Jarevala
Character Age: 2
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 39"
Appearance Description:

Height:: 39” || Weight:: 199 lbs

Traits:: Solid || Chubby || Large Paws || Large Head || Thick, Poofy Tail || Muscled Shoulders and Thighs

Sunniva is not some delicate little curvy femme. No, the female supports a bulk of roughly one hundred and ninety nine pounds upon her frame.She is surely a solid fae with well muscled shoulders and thighs to carry her through her battles and tasks requiring strength. The female also supports a good chubby look, lacking the grace and fineness of a smaller beast. Her paws too are quite large, as is her head and her tail is thick and poofy. It seems that Sunny bears more of a winter coat texture almost year round, giving her a rather large and intimidating look despite not being as tall as her brother or sister.

What Sunniva lacks in grace she makes up for in a show of strength as she walks. Her attitude is ever present, showing her confidence in her skill. She certainly shows that she has a great deal of pride, her ego shining through in how she looks at others. While she does not openly mean to offend others she tends to have that sort of look that rubs others the wrong way; “one of those” girls sort of thing.

The coat Sunniva bears is a base of charcoal upon her body, darkening upon her ears, lower face, sides, underbelly, and under her tail. Her front legs have stockings of this same sort of gray that darkens as it reaches her paws. Her back legs, having socks instead of stockings, are marked in a similar manner. Blood red streaks under her beautiful orbs of a similar shade, the color also gracing the back of her neck, upper back, and ear tips. A lighter shade of red goes around each ankle with six circles dotting around the top of the bands on the front legs.

Proof of Purchases:

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