
the summer swells in

Eirik I


3 Years
03-04-2015, 12:14 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Summer had been nice when it had first arrived. After the coldness of winter, Eirik had welcomed the warmth, the endless sun, basking in it and allowing himself to grow a little lazy under its influence. Only now he wished he had been more active. Now it was getting so hot he hardly wanted to keep exerting himself so that he stayed fit and prepared. He did not even want to pace the borders in endless patrols, that simple task now proving to be tiring and exhaustive. He tried - he paced along the edge of the Prairie now, his tongue lolling as the sun beat down upon his broad back - but it was forced, careless. He hardly stared away and around, but kept his gaze straight ahead, trying to focus his attention on the end goal where he could set himself free from his task without feeling entirely useless.

He was getting closer, just a little further left, but in a moment of laziness and defeat he decided to end his patrol early. He had done enough, or close to enough, to constitute a more or less full patrol, or at least enough to keep him from feeling guilty later. He stepped off the path he had been following, making a beeline for the edge of the Fern Gulley and all the shade that it provided with the intent of trying to cool off and relax before he simply collapsed under the heat into a useless lump.

Only he did not get far enough toward his new destination before a scent wafted across his path. It was recognizable in a way - he was sure it was Saga as she had a scent all her own that was different than the others because of her tendency to keep to herself - but there was something noticeably different about it. Something he could not place but that was...curious. His nose twitched at the end of his muzzle as he turned his head, pinpointing the direction from which it was coming from. He padded off deeper into the Prairie, searching for her, but not even his advanced height gave him any advantage against her small stature that easily hid amongst the grasses. She must have been here somewhere... "Saga?" he called out, unaware of her hunt, unaware where she was in respect to the place where he had stopped. Had he been wrong to think she might be close?