
Fight Like Your Gods and Monsters



5 Years
03-04-2015, 04:26 AM

While her thoughts passed unnoticed by the striking brute, it didn't mean his own mind wasn't busy assessing the woman. Surely making acquaintances and friendly bonds weren't as easy and effortless as they seemed to be. Had he just stumbled across the right matching personality? It was a new unfamiliar feeling fluttering deep inside. Although he found beauty in every creature and landscape, there was something about the onyx dame that engaged his upmost attention. Mentally, the thoughts were shaken from his head. Why was he imagining such things?

A small wet surface collided with his nose, lids flying open to find the woman responsible for their brief contact. For a moment he was slightly confused by the sudden move. Was it normal for newly made acquaintances to display such signs of affection? Once reality flooded back to her mind, embarrassment flushed her aura as she recoiled. He kept rather silent, blinking several times before pushing the memory aside. Judging by the apology that shortly followed, it seemed to be a careless accident, which meant there was no deeper meaning behind it. If there was, he hadn't discovered it just yet.

A mimicking smile splintered across his features as her shoulder brushed his. It was a positive thing, wasn't it? With fur entwined, he'd hold onto that feeling, intentions of shifting his seated position sealed away in the depths of his mind. Another gentle inquiry carried him away from his daze, the subject being of his sense of adventure. Ah, everyone required a sense of adventure or they simply were a boring soul (to his point of view). Despite having a quiet personality, there would always his thrill for excitement hidden somewhere in his emotions.

"Of course." Words drifted through the air with perfected smoothness and articulate pronunciations. He flashed her a more noticeable yet irresistible smile, continuing softly. "I find it an important part of one's personality. Do you?"