
That Girl



06-06-2013, 08:34 PM

Chills rolled down his spine as something slithered along his side. He jerked back, lips curled into a silent snarl as his defenses raised. It could be anything, and since he didn't know what predators lived here, it scared him. He inhaled deeply, taking in the attackers scent... a lady? Ears perked forward as the fog cleared a bit, revealing a gorgeous woman. Who... was she? He couldn't help but stare for a moment. Her eyes were so mesmerizing, beautiful pools of crystal blue that he could stare into for days. Her colors were interesting as well, he had never seen someone with a pattern like hers. The purest of ivory dipped in a russet chocolate color around her face. He couldn't see the rest of her due to the fog, but he was already stuck on what he could see. All he could wonder was... who is she? Apology isn't necessary miss, I can barley see out here myself! His words were followed by a soft chuckle. Why was she out here? Looking for a dangerous adventure of her own? These weren't the typical hanging out lands. I would love some company, but I do have to ask. What bring you out here? These aren't the typical lands for a lady to be hanging out in." His lips curled into a smile, stub of a tail wiggling behind him. He had just met her, and he was already... What was he doing? He didn't know exactly, all he knew was she was beautiful, and he wanted her to stay right here, with him. Besides Gerhardt and Gideon he didn't know another soul out here, so the company of this lady was more than appreciated. "Also, where are you from? Are you a Rogue? Or maybe in a pack? I recently came here from my homelands to reunite with my cousin. He is in Seracia."

Italian Accent Speech,