
Veritti Sibling Up For Grabs!



5 Years
03-04-2015, 10:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2015, 10:39 PM by Frost.)
Name: Carrick Veritti
Personality: Carrick is a protective wolf he wants to make sure all around him are safe, especially the ones who are close to him. He does not care a whiff about the law, he will follow it as long as it doesn't cross paths with his personal rules. Which would be help anyone and everyone who needs it. Protect things that are close to you and never abandon a task. He and his sister are very close although his relationship with his brother is a bit iffy. He is very dedicated once he starts a task he sees it through to the fullest extent. He will fight if it means protecting something he cares about. He is musically inclined he loves to howl and will sometimes start an impromptu howl session. He doesn't want pups but he does want a mate so their howls can meld in harmony. He thinks pups would hold him back from doing what he wants to do, even if he's not the one being den bound.
Appearance: He has clay red fur covering his body except at his legs where the red gradually tapers into a mud brown. His eyes are a dark blue that closely resembles the night sky. He has short fur except for the chest region where it is about an inch longer. He has a muscular build perfect for those times when he has to defend what is his. He has a sinewy tail that curves and shapes its self as if it has a mind of its own, but it also draws attention since it is the least bulky part of his body. When he walks you can see the scars on his left paw pad from where he ran into some nasty brambles. His ears have a rounded tip and are often up and alert due to his protective ways. He walks as if he has to be somewhere when he has nowhere to be.
RP Sample: The wolf laid down in the tall grass waiting for a squirrel or a rabbit to come by. His last meal had been in the early morning when he ate a fish he had caught out of the river. He watched the horizon closely for a whisper of movement or a rustle of paws. He was still waiting five minutes later when he saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye "Wait what was that?" he thought he adjusted his position to get a better view of the area. He raised his snout to sniff the air "Rabbit" he whispered to himself the last rabbit he had was an older one whose meat didn't taste as good. He prepped himself for the run adjusting his back legs. His eyes focused on the rabbit, he had it in his sights. Then he took off racing for the rabbit and another chance to eat. He closed in on the rabbit and opened his mouth ready for the killing bite. he swooped in and picked the rabbit up sinking his teeth into it. The sickening taste of blood filled his mouth, he set down the rabbit satisfied with knowing that it was dead. He began to eat it occasionally hearing the sound of a bone snap. After he was done eating with the remainders of the carcass beside him he laid down for a nap.
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[Image: frost_by_reflectedmemories-d8kgz78.png][Image: mOf6wyP.png][Image: cb5d7e52a9afe4eb62f9acc9360938aa-d96nk17.png]