
Buck Up, Buttercup.



8 Years
Athena I
03-05-2015, 06:27 PM

Without him saying a word Surreal read his mind and answered what he was constantly thinking to himself. His head turned toward her, his ears tracking her voice as she spoke. Taurig. He didn't know how his older brother had managed it. The idea seemed so unsurmountable. However, as she continued to speak his heart dropped into his stomach. Erani was gone? Her explanation for their disappearance made him feel like a fool. "I thought... His raspy voice trailed off and he gave a firm shake of his head. It didn't matter what he had thought. Surreal and Regulus were here now. It still didn't explain where Faite was, but he had three quarters of his family back. That was more than he had dreamed he would get back.

He let everything sink in for a moment before leaning forward to find Surreal's muzzle with his own and gently brush against hers. His tattered eyelids closed from the force of the emotion that washed over him at that touch, as little and simple as it might be. "I thought I had lost you forever," he whispered softly, placing a tender lick on her cheek. "I kept telling Zuriel to leave and find a pack that would take her in and take care of her, but she wouldn't go... You and her both apparently see much more in me than I do myself." He sighed and just leaned his cheek into hers for a moment, just savoring the warmth and smell of his mate, the things that he had only dreamed about recently. He realized that this would be all he ever had now, only touches and scents.

"Would you... erm- Would you help me get to the steam? So I can clean up a little?" he asked, his ears folding back with embarasment. Not only did it hurt his pride to ask for help, he had realized that he certainly didn't look - or smell - all that great. A small, bashful smile tugged at his lips, the first smile that had found its way onto his face since Surreal left.

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