
Unwavering Determination


03-05-2015, 08:50 PM

And I Know That I
I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper
And I Cross The Line
The female would give a small nod at Rune's words. She knew he was right, and could even sense what he hinted at in unspoken words. But Akemi wanted to believe that Freyr would still find some way to take care of the child. She put faith in her brother that perhaps he may not have proved he deserved but... she didn't want to think like that. Freyr had still been there for her in ways that others had not in her family, and in her eyes that was more than the others had done. He was, in the end, still her brother... and so she wanted to believe in the best for him and his actions.

The female would give a firm nod as Rune spoke again. "I certainly will. For now, however, I should get back to Einarr. I worry if I go too soon I may risk further damaging him as well." The female would give a gentle smile to Rune. "...and I hope you know it goes without saying, if you need any favor at all from me, Rune, simply ask." With that the female would take her leave, taking the remains of her prey and starting back towards the den. She would look over her shoulder though, her single eye shining as she looked at the man. He had certainly gained her respect, loyalty, and trust. Secretua would forever be a home for those without their own any longer. They would build a bigger, better family together.

-Exit Akemi.-


I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes
But I Could Never Leave Your Side
No Matter What I Say

Table by:: Tealah