
Oberon Illiadis

Oberon I


3 Years
06-06-2013, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2013, 09:27 AM by Epiphron.)
Note: Jupiter x Marvel pup

OOC Name: Ocena
How did you get here?: I'm cool like dat
Age: sixteen bby

Character's Name: Oberon Illiadis
Age: Pup
Season of birth: Winter
Size: Small
Appearance description: The young Oberon is your typical pup in terms of build. Lanky and awkward, his paws are on the small side for his frame, and his limbs are long, leaving him constantly tripping over himself. However, as he grows, he will find himself a solidly medium sized wolf at 32 inches in height, with a solid amount of muscle. Oberon will never be particularly bulky, but there will definitely be muscle on his frame.

His fur is what draws eyes, however. Oberon is a very interesting looking male. His upper body is black, dappling to mix in with the light peach that covers most of his remaining body. His toes, stomach, face, chest, the underside of his tail, and the inside of his elbows are all this light shade of peach, and his muzzle is surrounded by peach fur. His appearance is far from average, and the varying shades of orange tend to easily draw attention to his form.

Light lavender eyes round out his appearance, leaving Oberon a rather interesting looking wolf. He is certainly not the most average of wolves out there, though among his siblings, he fits in easily enough. Like all of his siblings, his appearance holds hints of both his father and his mother.
Duty: For laterrr