
I'm So Sorry


03-05-2015, 09:07 PM

Still no answer came, even though she waited. But what did, or rather who did, come was a stranger. Ritselli would turn her green eyes upon the woman, her eyes round with wonder and awe. She carried herself much like her papa and mama used to, before her mama disappeared and her papa became sad. The little girl would give a soft whine. Why was this stranger talking to her daddy? He had called for her? Confusion, not understanding how packs worked and what a "Fiori" was the girl would shift her gaze back to her father. She would press into his coat, ears lowered as she listened to him speak. But then he started talking about leaving her here... with this woman? The girl would let out a high pitched whine, tears starting to fill her eyes. "Nooo! Papa I want to stay with you! Don't make me stay pleasssseeeeee." She would cling to the man, shivering heavily. "I don't care if I'm hungry or a little cold! I'll be okay, and I'll be a good girl I promise! Let me stay with you!"

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby